How to increase your Beauty Chef sales

How to increase your Beauty Chef sales

One of the questions we get asked is how we increase our sales of certain brands for both our business and our clients and the answer is; different brands require different processes. 

Recently we developed the following sales process to ensure that all opportunities are explored for our clients to repurchase The Beauty Chef.

Let me introduce the TERF sales process method, we always find an acronym an easy way to remember some key steps:

  • Tasting
  • Education
  • Recommendation/Prescribing
  • Follow-up/Client History


  • We know that sampling drive sales.
  • Encourage your team to offer tasting at every opportunity, not just after a treatment. Even if a customer is just popping in to purchase retail, offer them a refreshment and explain the benefits of the product they are sampling.
  • When you are hosting a VIP event or client evening, ensure that you are showcasing The Beauty Chef. Offer tasting, spot prizes and even prepare some delicious treats using these recipes that contain The Beauty Chef products.
  • Make the most of bundle offers when they are release to ensure you are receiving free tasting stock, utilise the complementary POS strut cards to have a different product available for tasting each time.


  • The key to the success of The Beauty Chef is understanding the science behind “beauty begins in the belly”.  We all know that the wholefood, bio fermented probiotics are a key point of difference on how they affect our microbiome and in turn, gut health. 
  • The key step here is to ensure that all new and existing staff attend the initial Niki Loe session on an Introduction The Beauty Chef.  Find out to how to book here.
  • For those more experienced staff, they should start to dive a bit deeper and ensure they attend the targeted sessions held every second month on Gut Health, Hormones etc.


  • Our chain of Skin Clinics, Skintopia, has adopted the process of prescribing one The Beauty Chef product after each treatment as part of their at home care regime to much success.  
  • Like any protocol, consistency is key. Education and targeted prescriptions are paramount for sales of The Beauty Chef. We have solid insights that indicate when TBC are prescribed, purchase rates increase. Don’t assume that clients don’t want to add an internal health product into their daily routine.
  • Look and listen for cues in the treatment room/waiting room/retail space. Watch if they show interest, ask questions and pick up a product. Look to recommend the right solution based on both seasonality and skin concerns.  Eg. Encourage clients to start thinking about Antioxidant and Immune Food going into the cooler months and Hydration for warmer months and Adaptogen in times of stress.

Follow-up/Client History

  • We also know that for The Beauty Chef to work effectively, you need to be taking it regularly and for at least two months, and we need to remind our clients of this.  Someone who has purchased one tub of Glow and only used it for two weeks and then stopped, is not going to see or feel the same benefits as someone who has been using it for two months. 
  • Encourage your team to work your database hard, look up the client history prior to their visit or during and see when they last purchased TBC, remind them that they must be out of it now if they have been using daily?  Clients need the follow up to ensure consistency.
  • In quieter times, or if you have had a cancellation, also encourage your team to work their database by phoning or texting those customers that have purchased TBC but not been in for a treatment, give them a courtesy call or text to remind them that their months’ supply must almost be up, or remind them that a new promo pack is in stock. This typically triggers one of two responses, the first is a “whoops I have been forgetting to take it, thank you for the reminder” or “I am almost out, yes please can I order another one”.

By applying these four simple steps TERF; Tasting, Education, Recommendation and Follow Up, you will be surprised at what a difference this has on your sales.

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