What does a badge mean to a Skin Therapist?

What does a badge mean to a Skin Therapist?

It’s well known by those in the professional skin care industry that skin therapists love certificates. But even more – we really love badges.

Why do we place such value on badges and certificates? Because they represent achievement - in an industry that is often looked down on and positioned as the default career for people who are not bright enough for university, all of us really value these symbols of achievement.

I love seeing certificates displayed on the wall in a Skin Centre. Firstly they reassure me that the staff there are qualified, but also that the Skin Centre values education and respects the achievements of their team. What about postgraduate education? When I go to a Skin Centre I also want it to be sharing – no, actually I want it to be shouting about the postgraduate training that the team there is attending! Because this tells me the team is up to date with the latest techniques, services or ingredient knowledge and confirms for me that I’m in really good hands.

When a customer enters a Skin Centre, it’s important the skin therapist looks a picture of professionalism in wearing their uniform and qualification badges with pride. Badges say so much. By wearing them, it tells me you are proud of what you have achieved, and it tells me you have attention to detail – those badges don’t get on your uniform in the right place by themselves! Badges also tell me that you are part of something bigger than just the Skin Centre that you work for; a badge could tell me that you are part of a national beauty association or that you are part of a global recognition system. The only badge a skin therapist is just given is their name badge; the other badges are earnt and, as skin therapists, we are 100% justified in loving our badges.


Written by: Caroline Parker - Dermalogica NZ Head of Education

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